Focused on Inclusive Economic Development
The effects of increasing urban heat and climate change on public health, human productivity, agriculture, energy, water and transportation infrastructure will exacerbate the challenges and impact residents at all socioeconomic levels, but especially those with the least means to mitigate these risks. A paradigm shift toward inclusive sustainable economic development is imperative.
Building a degree plan focused on global sustainability from economic, social and spatial perspectives.
The Inclusive Economy Consortium (IEC) is an interdisciplinary network of diverse stakeholders who are dedicated to creating an economy that respects nature and works for all. IEC builds the ecosystem for a climate-smart inclusive economy. Launched by The Hunt Institute for Engineering & Humanity at SMU, our network empowers change agents from the private, public and nonprofit sectors to connect, share and act.
ImpactNights® is the physical manifestation of the Inclusive Economy Consortium where we connect, share, and act. This event is about like-minded people coming together to share experiences and knowledge from the local, national, and international community within the Consortium to share their best-practices and expertise. Monthly discussions are around pressing social issues facing our society,all designed to get collective action for a more inclusive economy. We typically meet every second Thursday of the month and S+DP students are integrated into the conversation.